Scholarship Application & Eligibility


Le Ambiance Multi Service Business Centre, Inc. Internship Scholarship Fund was founded in 2015 to mark the company's business philosophy and philanthropic goal, only through the dedication and our devotion in which a company's success is intertwined with the greater health of the communities we call home. Scholarship, also called "Award” may be awarded annually to one or more qualified recipients in any amount up to $5,000.


Persons eligible to receive the Award are limited to Voluntary-Internship Services in and by Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc. for at least six consecutive months. Applicant may apply with regards as to their academic pre-requisite in their third and final year of High School.

What the Scholarship Can Be Used For

Awards may be used to defray tuition cost to attend any post-secondary school; provided, the award may not be used for programs that are “online” only; the Recipient‟s coursework must require attendance at classroom facilities. The Awards is not payable until the Recipient has commenced (at least) their second semester in good academic standing and is not payable in any amount exceeding one semester of tuition fees. The award may be paid to the academic institution, or to the Recipient of Recipient‟s family as reimbursement upon proof of tuition paid to the institution. Prior recipients of the Awards are not eligible to apply for or receive a second award.

To Apply

To apply, please download and complete the application document below. All applications must be fully completed, signed, and mailed to the address listed on the front page of the application.


Applications may be submitted to the above address between January 31, 2021and April 30, 2022. Awards will be issued on or before June 15, 2022.


If you have questions regarding the Award or the application process, please see the first page of the application for telephone and email contact information.
To download and print the Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc. Scholarship Fund Application, right click on the filename below and follow the instructions.

Le Ambiance Multi Service Business Centre, Inc.



Le Ambiance Multi Service Business Centre, Inc. Internship Scholarship Fund was founded in 2015 to mark the company’s business philosophy and philanthropic goal, only through the dedication and our devotion in which a company's success is intertwined with the greater health of the communities we call home. The Scholarship, (called ‘Award’ for the purposes of this application) may be awarded annually to one or more qualified recipients in any amount up to $5,000.

Persons eligible to receive the Award are limited to Qualified Voluntary-Internship Services in and by Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc. for at least six months.

Each applicant must fully complete, sign and submit this written application. Applications are accepted between January 31 and April 20th only, and may be submitted in person or by U.S Mail to the office listed below. Applications received after April 30th are not eligible for consideration. This Award is determined by the vote of the Award Committee at Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc. which votes no later than June 10th each year to determine Recipients. Recipients are informed of their awards no later than June 15th. Unsigned, incomplete or illegible applications may be refused, and is only accepted in the discretion of the Award Committee.

Additional application may be obtained by mail or email by contacting:

                                                        Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc.  |

227 S. Plank Rd. 
Newburgh, NY 12550

Any questions regarding the Award or application process should be directed to:

Mr. H. Stoddart | Mr. C. Stoddart Jr. |Mr.  Jordan Stoddart | Mr. Justice Stoddart 
General Managers, at (845) 328-0311 or

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Grant of Award is within the full discretion of the Award Committee. The Award Committee is not required to grant an Award each year or to grant an Award of the full amount each year.

Existence of the Award does not create a right of any applicant to receive an award nor obligate the company or Award Committee to grant. 

Award. By Submitting an application, each applicant agrees that:

Le Ambiance MSBC, Inc. may use the name and likeness of any Award recipient in any printed material, email, announcement, brochure, press release or other purpose. Each applicant agrees to hold harmless and fully release the Award Committee and its members, the company, its officers, directors, shareholders, employees, agents and assigns from any and all loss and liability of any kind and nature whatsoever by reason of the Award, including but not limited to any application filed, any vote taken by the Award Committee, payment (or non-payment) of the Award, acceptance (or non-acceptance) or application by any academic institution of Award proceeds, any publication of the Award or use of the Recipients’ name or likeness, and payment of the Award to any person or party directly or on the applicant’s behalf or any other matter.

The Award may be used to defray tuition costs to attend any post-secondary school; provided, the Award may not be used for programs that are ‘on-line’ only. The Award is not payable until the Recipient has commenced (at least) their second semester in good academic standing and is not payable in an amount exceeding one semester of tuition fees. A prior recipient of the Award is not eligible to apply for or receive a second Award. The Award may be paid to the academic institution, or to the Recipient or Recipient’s family as reimbursement upon proof of tuition paid to the institution. The Award Committee is able to pledge payment to the institution in advance of the second (or later) semester. Applicants may apply for the award with no regard as to whether they are in their first, second, third or final year of coursework.

To apply for the Award, please complete the following information, sign and submit this document to the address on page 1 not later than April 30.

1. Full Name (Last, First): _________________________________________________________________________________________________

2. Address: _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________ 

3. Telephone/email: ______________________________________________________________________________________________________



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4.  Are you in High School? [ Y ]  [ N ]

5.  If yes, please state:

Name and location of High School: ____________________________________________________________ 

Expected date of graduation: _________________________________________ 

What is your GPA: ____________________________

6.  Please prepare and attach a short written essay stating why you should be awarded the Le Ambiance Multi Service Business Centre, Inc. Internship Scholarship Fund.

7.  How did you learn of Le Ambiance Multi Service Business Centre, Inc. Internship Scholarship? ____________________________


BY SIGNING BELOW the applicant acknowledges having fully read and understood all information on this application, agrees to all waivers, terms and conditions hereon, and affirms the truth of all information provided.

Applicant Name (please print): ____________________________________________

Applicant Signature: _______________________________________________________

                                                                                       APPLICANTS DO NOT WRITE BELOW THIS LINE


DATE RECEIVED: __________________________________

GPA  ATTACHED:  [ Y ]   [ N ] GPA ________ 

Essay attached:  [ Y ] [ N ]

Start Date of Voluntary-Internship Services: ___________________________________

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